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Rut Trade Expiration Aug

Some quick notes:

  • Overnight were mixed. Asia is up, Europe is a little down.
  • 200/50 MA. Continues to fux. Up and down. Right now down, but getting ready to cross to the upside again. This when I am thinking about a Protective Put. The cause is crosses a few times, before eventually crashing or up.
  • 20/5 ma is uptrending.
  • Chart. Sort of 3 white soldiers. And then doji. Downward pressure. Could reverse. Beginning of sideways? could be. a flag. Escalator?
  • Cande. doji
  • Positions. 1640/50 for 30 cents. And want 2100/2150 for 1.50 (but not likely). So either wait a few days, to see if more selections. or 2050/2100 for a lot more than 2.80.

Update 11:05 am. Vertical Put 1650/60 30 cents. I can get VCall at 2150/2100 for 2.90 (too close). But going to wait. a day for call. or wed. I put a trade of 2100/2150 in just in case goes up. and I can catch late trade in the day.

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