Articles to Read

Google Plus

Strategy 103: Start Using Google Plus NOW! I am fairly new to Google Plus. Just started to build my profile, circles and use. Rather than try and figure it out myself, I went to friend of mine to tap his expertise #AlexMendossian He is quickly becoming the leading authority on Google plus, and he is a great internet and marketing guy. I spend 3 days with him recently to learn how to a professional hangout. It rocked.  Seeing the value in Google Plus and hangouts, never mind I a pretty sure Google will [Read More Now...]

Is Now the right Time?

There is a chinese saying, โ€œMay you live in interesting timesโ€.  Well, we are in interesting times. The stock market after a significant rise, looks like it may fall and crash. Interest rates are at their lowest in decades, but talk is they will go up shortly. The real estate market has rebounded, but there are still a number of foreclosures and power of sale, properties in the market place. The Canadian, USA and International economy appears to be slowing. So, a few of my friends and clients are asking, is NOW a good time to be [Read More Now...]

2 Minute Warning!

We all believe we have lots of time left in the game. That we have the time, to work, make money, look after our family, and live a full life. But what if, that was not the case. What if, you got the bad news, life was going to be over SOON?! What would you do? I have had these thoughts before, when my friend Adrian passed in my 30’s. That there may not be as much time, as you think. So. live in the moment, plan for tomorrow, but realize the joy is now. So. Let us play a game. You have been given a death sentence (we all have one by the [Read More Now...]

13 Commandments of Selling

Environment (Planning the process).You must be prepared to manage the emotion, state, behavior and actions of your client (and yourself). That means you have to have objectives for each section, a plan in terms of outcome, and a plan for selling. Never try and just wing it.Rapport.Build rapport at a conscious and subconscious level in a short period of time. Students, clients, or attendees must like and respect you. Therefore, you must relate to them personally.Permission Frame.Ask permission to be direct, open, and make suggestions for change [Read More Now...]

Credit Spread Mentorship 10k for 2 people.

Credit Spread Mentorship. I have some time free in June 2019. If anyone would like to schedule a 2 day Credit Spread mentorship. I will pass along a discount, bonus, and guarantee. First, normally I change 15k for this Mentorship. And it is worth every penny. Can you imagine earning 6-8 percent per month on your invested money. Winning 9 out of 10 times. And spending less than 30 minutes actually trading. Then set it and forget it? It can is a GREAT system of building CASH FLOW. See the video for details. But I am GUARANTEEING the Results. Ask [Read More Now...]

Learn how to conduct Seminars for Big CASH

Excited to do the Seminar of Seminars workshop with William Bronchick in June. Seminar of Seminars June 22/23 in Denver (only $997 for 2 jam packed days) The last was filled with pearls of wisdom, on filling, marketing, product development, selling and selling from stage. Here is a teaser from the last time.  Check it out [Read More Now...]
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